A Tribute to My Dad: My Superman


Over the past several weeks, I have heard many refer to dad as Superman.  This was mostly due to the fact that this movie was certainly one of dad’s favorites.  But since his passing, the name Superman has taken on a different meaning for us all.  In the films, Superman always portrayed someone that the world would look up to, someone that could just come in and “save your day”, and someone that everyone wanted to emulate. There would never be anything that he could not conquer.

 There were many occasions in my life where I have looked up to my dad.  I have always been daddy’s little girl.  The times that he would say to me, “Erin, you know that you are my only daughter”, were just too numerous to count.  He never failed to show me that there was a special place in his heart for me.  Security and protection were always felt when he was around.  But most importantly, you could feel the protection of his constant prayers even when you were away.  My sophomore year of high school was a particularly difficult time in my life.  You see I had just left 4 years of small private school life, to join what in my mind was a gigantic public high school.  East Fairmont High School was just 3-4 short blocks from our home.  Everyday, I would walk to school promptly leaving through the front door at about 7:30a.m.  One particular day will stick in my mind forever.  I had left for school as normal early one morning to quickly realize that I had left an important project that was due in my room.  Coming back through the door, I saw an image that will stay with me forever.  Dad was on his knees in the middle of the living room interceding for his entire family.  As I came in, I don’t believe he heard me.  He continued to pray specifically over my mother, brothers and myself.  Although I was only 15 years old, this image was very clear to me.  Dad was a praying man.  He didn’t have to tell us how important prayer was in his life, he showed it.  The comfort in knowing that as the head of his home, he did not take this responsibility lightly.  As I continued in my high school years, the Lord always allowed me to rest in that comfort of knowing that my daddy was always interceding to my Heavenly daddy for my protection.  My Superman of intercession.

Through all of my mistakes, the ups and the downs, dad’s love for us kids never wavered.  When I entered college in 1988 at West Virginia University, I couldn’t have been more excited.  Although I would live at home for those 4 years, I was about to branch out into a whole new world.  Dad was always like a “stay at home mother” to us in that he worked out of the home and typically was the parent that would intercept all the “kid duties” of the school year.  In August of 1988 it was time for my Parent/Student orientation at the University.  Dad would be the one to accompany me to this very scary and intimidating event.  I woke that morning to find that dad was up before me.  He was so proud that his first born would finally become a true “Mountaineer”.  You know there was no other University in the country that could rank higher in his book.  As we got in the car to head out for the day, dad began to comfort me with scriptures, prayer and encouragement.  His excitement for the day quickly became mine as well.  After seeing the campus and listening to the orientation speaker tell us what our 4 years would be like, dad and I headed for lunch.  Dad always had a knack for making you feel like you were on a date with him.  I know that it might seem creepy to think that I dated my dad, but this was a gift my dad gave to me…His precious time.  I could always count on his time for the rest of my life. 

 As the school year began, I quickly decided that trying out for cheerleader would be a top priority.  My dad was there every step of the way.  That football season WVU would go 11-0 and play for the National Championship.  I could not express to you the excitement of what going to a bowl game meant to me.  A couple of weeks would pass before I found out that the athletic director would not be sending the freshman cheerleaders to this great event.  Very sad about this, of course I ran home to crawl on daddy’s lap.  His heart broke for me.  He continued to encourage me and helped me to see all that I had accomplished throughout my first semester at WVU.  A few short weeks later, I ran home with the news of a life time.  I would actually be allowed to attend the Fiesta Bowl after all.  The Lord had truly answered my prayers!  It would be several years later before I realized just how God chose to answer that prayer.  My dad in all his boldness scheduled a meeting with the athletic director to discuss his decision.  Dad was able to convince him to allow the freshman cheerleaders to be a part of this great event.  It again became evident to me that dad was… My Superman that “saves the day”.

 Dad’s example for us was modeled on a daily basis through his faith, his marriage and his relationship with his children and grandchildren.  His character was one that would make anyone want to be like him.  Through all the years, his influence on my life has made me who I am today.  Dad was not a perfect man, but strived to be all that the Lord had called him to become.  He was obedient to the Lord and had the bravery to act and lead where others may have not chosen to lead.  He was a man of vision, a man of divine purpose and a man who touched lives.  Today, I have a wonderful husband because of my dad’s prayer over me.  Today, I have two super little boys with a call on their lives, because of dad’s prayer over me. Today, I continue to see the hand of God in my life, because of my dad’s prayer over me.  And, today I have a legacy to live out before the world, because of his consistent example in front of me.  I will never forget.  I will never stop sharing his example.  I will never quit carrying out this legacy put before me by My Super Man…my hero…my dad.  A Superman to be emulated for my lifetime.

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